What is heat?
Heat is defined as the transfer of kinetic energy from one object or region to another object or region.
What units are used to measure heat?
Several different units are used to measure heat energy. These include joules, calories, and kilocalories.
What is the force-like quantity that moves heat energy?
Temperature difference is the force-like quantity that moves heat energy from one object or location to another object or location.
How does heat energy spontaneously move?
Heat energy always moves spontaneously from a higher temperature region or object to a lower temperature region or object.
What is the heat-flow rate?
The heat-flow rate is a measure of how much heat energy is moved from one object or region to another object or region in a given amount of time.
What units are used to measure heat-flow rate?
Several different units are used to measure the heat-flow rate. These include watts, joules/second, and calories/second.
What is a steady state heat-flow rate?
A steady-state heat-flow rate is a condition in which the heat-flow rate into an object or region is equal to the heat-flow rate out of an object or region. When heat is being added to the inside of a container to keep the temperature inside the container at a constant temperature, a steady-state heat-flow rate between the inside and outside of the container has been established. This does not imply that the interior and exterior temperatures are the same, just the heat-flow into and out of the container is the same.
What is thermal conductivity?
Thermal conductivity is a measure of how well a given material allows heat to pass through the material. A material with high thermal conductivity allows large amounts of heat to pass through, while a low thermal conductivity allows less heat to pass through the material.
What is a heat source?
A heat source is a device or object that produces or radiates heat energy.
What is a heat sink?
A heat sink is a device or object that move heat energy away from a higher temperature region to a lower temperature region.