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Are you as smart as Einstein? Many people claim that Albert Einstein was the smartest person ever. In addition to working in the scientific field of study, Einstein was also a mathematician who loved solving problems. He claimed that one logic problem, that is now associated with his name, could only be solved by 2% of the people in the entire world. Are you ready to solve the problem and enter the elite world of logic problem solvers?

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What is logic?

Logic is the study of different ways of reasoning and how to use reasoning to solve problems. A number of disciplines make great use of logic and its principles including, but not limited to, science, mathematics, philosophy, and most importantly, computer science. Logic generally involves the study of factors that are always correct (valid) or always wrong (invalid).

What is a logic problem?

There are generally three types of logic problems, 1) classic logic problems, 2) lateral thinking problems, and 3) visual problems. Most classic logic problems require what's known as deductive reasoning. This is a type of thinking in which one or more general statements are given (called premises), which leads to a valid conclusion. Although the logic problems contained in the simulation in this module have visual elements, they are still considered classic logic problems and not visual ones since each problem could be presented only in a text format. The visual elements were added to make the problem more appealing, but they are not a part of the solution of the logic problem.

What are some methods for solving logic problems?

The most important factor in solving any logic problem is to remember that all of the information needed to solve the problem is provided within the problem. This means that you must read every word of the problem carefully, noting any relationships between the statements and facts presented within the problem. Another tip is to make a grid or table to help organize the given facts. You can use check marks to indicate relationships between factors and an "x" to show that no relationship exists between two factors. One last strategy for solving logic problems is to "think backwards." For instance, if you were given the statement that, "Cindy was married on Sunday, but not to Jon." Think backwards and know that this also means that Jon could not possibly be married to Cindy regardless of the day he was married.

How can logic problems be applied to real-world situations?

Logic can be applied in a variety of subjects to help solve problems. For instance, the problem of having a room with light switches on two separate entrances that both control one light fixture is an example of using logic. What happens if the light is turned on and someone enters the room from the other entrances not noticing that the light is already on and flips the light switch up to turn the light on? Does the light stay on or go out? This is only one example of the thousands of real-world uses of logic in every subject area and discipline.


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