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How can you tell what something is when it's too far away to actually visit? Astronomers use a variety of tools to explore the universe from afar. Your challenge is to identify unknown celestial objects by observing the emission from these objects using various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. You will use tools like a spectral scanner, emission scanner, an astronomical database, and your own keen observation skills to determine the identity of unknown objects. So, put on your astro-thinking cap and get ready to head for the stars, and planets, and galaxies, and to infinity and beyond!

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Galaxy Brochure

What is a wave?

A wave is a disturbance that transmits energy from one place to another. A wave does not need to transport matter to transmit the energy from the source to another location.

What is a wavelength?

The wavelength is the length from one peak or highest point on a wave to the nearest peak.

								Two examples of different wavelengths. The length of a wave is measured from one peak to the next.

What is a wave's frequency?

A wave's frequency is the number of cycles or repeating waves per unit time. A wave with a long wavelength has a low frequency, while a wave with a short wavelength has a high frequency.

What is the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)?

The EMS defines the range of frequencies of the various forms of electromagnetic waves. In order from highest to lowest frequency, the spectrum goes: Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves. The wave order is reversed for wavelength going from longest to shortest wave, with radio waves being the longest (some are tens of meters long) to gamma rays, which can have lengths shorter than one angstrom.

What is the wave speed of electromagnetic waves?

All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum: 3.0 X 108 meters per second.

How is energy related to electromagnetic waves?

The energy (photon energy) of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to wave frequency. Therefore, the wave with the highest frequency is most energetic, while the wave with the lowest frequency is least energetic.

What is astronomical spectroscopy?

Astronomers use astronomical spectroscopy to study the electromagnetic waves radiating from celestial objects. Astronomers use various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to observe and measure characteristics of celestial objects to determine their chemical makeup and other traits.

What is a spectral scanner?

A spectral scanner is a device that determines the element or elements present when an object is heated or exposed to an electric charge.

Here are some definitions to help you in your Grade 3-5 Lesson 1 investigation.

Astronomy – the science of studying objects in space
Wave Peak – the tallest point on a wave
Wave Trough – the lowest point on a wave
Wavelength – the distance from one wave peak to the next wave peak
Cycle – one complete up and down pattern of a wave
Frequency – the length of time to complete one cycle of the wave
Energy – the ability to do work

Here are some definitions to help you in your Grade 3-5 Lesson 2 investigation.

Astronomer – a person who studies objects in space
Planet – a planet 1) orbits a star, 2) is big enough to have enough gravity to force a spherical shape, and 3) is big enough that its gravity cleared away any objects of a similar size near its orbit. The planets in our solar system in order from the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Some still consider Pluto to be a planet, which is located farthest from the sun.
Moon – a natural space object that revolves around a planet
Star – a space object in the shape of a sphere that is emitting light or other types of energy and is made up of matter mostly in the plasma phase of matter. The Sun is Earth’s nearest star.
Galaxy – a system of millions or billions of stars, gases, and dust that make up the universe
Database – an organized collection of information that can be quickly accessed
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