
Friction Thumbnail
Most people experience the force of friction every day, but many don’t know the cause of this force. Can you determine the cause of friction and how energy changes occur due to friction? Get started now finding out about friction.

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Friction Brochure

What is a force?

A force is a pull or push on an object due to an interaction with another object.

What is friction?

Friction is an opposing force that resists the motion of objects.

What is resistance?

Resistance is a force that opposes the motion of an object.

What is energy?

Energy is the ability or capacity to do work.

What is temperature?

Temperature is the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is energy due to the motion of an object or particles.

What is heat?

Heat is the transfer of kinetic energy from one object to another object.

What is an energy transformation?

An energy transformation is the changing of energy from one form to a different form.

What is an energy transfer?

Energy transfer is the movement of energy from one place to another place.

What is conduction?

The transfer of energy from one place to another through the movement of particles that are in direct contact with each other.

What is convection?

The transfer of thermal energy (heat) by the movement of a fluid.

What is radiation?

The transfer of energy that does not require a medium.

What is absolute zero?

Absolute zero is the temperature at which all particle motion stops. This is a theoretical temperature since an infinite amount of work would be required to remove all the thermal energy from a substance.

What is the normal force?

The normal force is the force due to two surfaces pressing against each other.

Here are some definitions to help you with your Grade 3-5 Lesson 1 investigation.

Force – any push or pull
Friction – a force that opposes the motion of an object
Resistance – opposing the motion of an object
Surface – the outermost part of something
Rough – an uneven surface
Smooth – an even surface
Energy – the ability to do work
Kinetic Energy – energy due to the motion of an object
Temperature – the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance
Heat – the movement of thermal energy from one place to another place
Wear – to remove material from a solid surface
Motion – the change in position of an object
Thermal Energy – energy due to the temperature of an object
Energy Transformation – to change the form of energy to a different form
Energy Transfer – to move energy from one place to another place
Contact – when two or more things are touching each other


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