What is a human fingerprint?
A human fingerprint is an impression made by the epidermal or friction ridges on the inside end of the finger. These friction ridges are useful when picking up objects with the fingers. The ridges also help increase sensitivity felt by a person when the fingers are moved across a surface. Fingerprints are one of the most useful biometric identifiers of a person. The fingerprint impression is made when ink is placed on the tips of the fingers, then pressed against a material with a light background. The print shows the pattern of the ridges on the tip of the finger.
Are all human fingerprints unique?
The answer is a resounding, "maybe." So far, no two human fingerprints have been found to be identical. That does not mean that it is not possible, only that the probability of two individuals having identical prints is very, very low. Every human on Earth would have to be printed and compared to accurately make the "all fingerprints are unique" statement. And this is very unlikely to occur.
What are the major types of human fingerprints?
Based on the patterns displayed, human fingerprints can be classified into three major groups. These groups are arches, whorls, and loops. The figure below shows each type of print.
What is the Henry Classification System?
The Henry Classification System (HCS) uses prints from all ten fingers from a person to group prints by major patterns. This method reduces the time and eyestrain needed to identify a single fingerprint based on the print's gross anatomical features.
In the HCS, each finger is assigned a value. The left pinky is assigned a 10, and the value reduces by one moving inward from the left pinky. The left thumb, therefore, has a value of 6. The right thumb starts with a value of 1 and increases as it moves outward to the right pinky, which has a value of 5. The arch and loop fingerprint types are ignored in this system. Each whorl fingerprint type is assigned a value as shown in the table below.
Once a set of prints have been assigned values using the table, the following equation is used to determine the primary grouping of the print. The HCS system allows 1,024 primary groupings of fingerprints.
Primary grouping ratio = (1 + (sum of whorled, EVEN finger value))(1 + (sum of whorled, ODD finger value))
What are some other ways human fingerprints are categorized?
Most modern fingerprinting systems, such as the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, have discarded the HCS and now rely on ridge counting and other print characteristics. In fact, most fingerprint identification systems have now become what is termed a "lights outs" identification process since no human is involved in the process; the entire identification is now completed by a computer. The FBI maintains the IAFIS system (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System), which is a database containing the prints of 55 million subjects. Police agencies can typically expect to receive responses from the IAFIS system is as little as two hours. This is a sharp contrast to the wait time of three months of just a few years ago. The IAFIS system is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Why are fingerprints unique to each person?
Fingerprints develop in the womb and are influenced by genetics and random factors during fetal development. This creates a highly intricate pattern of ridges, loops, and whorls on each fingertip that is completely unique to each individual, even identical twins.
How do fingerprints help identify people?
Fingerprints leave behind invisible traces of sweat and oils whenever we touch something. Police use fingerprint dusting powder to reveal these latent fingerprints on surfaces at crime scenes. These prints can then be compared to fingerprint databases to identify suspects.
Can fingerprints change over time?
While the overall fingerprint pattern remains constant throughout a person's life, the ridges themselves can become slightly smoother or flatter with age due to wear and tear. However, the core fingerprint pattern will always be identifiable.
Can fingerprints be damaged permanently?
In some cases, yes. Deep burns, scars, or severe injuries can damage the fingerprint ridges enough to make identification difficult. However, even with partial damage, fingerprint examiners can often use the remaining ridge patterns for identification.
Do other animals have fingerprints?
Some primates, like chimpanzees and gorillas, have fingerprint patterns similar to humans. However, these patterns are generally simpler and less unique than human fingerprints. Other animals, like koalas, have unique markings on their paws and pads that can be used for identification.
How do fingerprint scanners work on smartphones and other devices?
Fingerprint scanners use a combination of technologies. They typically use a light sensor to capture an image of your fingerprint ridge pattern. Then, complex algorithms analyze the captured image and compare it to a stored digital representation of your fingerprint. If the patterns match, the device unlocks.